Teen Camp
Ages 13-15

Where will you live?
As a teen camper, you will reside in either the Hillside cabins, Hilltop, Blackberry, or Blueberry cabin. Each cabin has 1-2 counselors depending on size. All cabins have electricity and are located near a centralized bath house with hot water and showers! |
Will you be in the same cabin as your
or other family members?
YES! As long as they are between the ages of 13-15, the same gender, and you request to be with your friend on your registration form, then it is not an issue to be in the same cabin as your friend(s) or family members coming to camp! |
What will you do?
In the morning, you participate in a track of activities that you chose on Sunday.
In the afternoon, you have 2 choice periods, rest hour, and 2 periods of free time.
How about at night?
Night time is the best at Camp Middlesex, especially if you are a teen camper! First you will participate in the regular evening activity that goes along with the Themes & Events for the week. Then, you will stay up an extra hour and participate in Teen Evening Program which offers you a chance to unwind, team build, and have some fun! Past teen programs have included: Messy food relays, movie night, night swim, lip syncs, and campfires. |
Program Day:
* 5 different periods of activities each day
* We focus on allowing campers to choose
which activities they want to participate in!
View our schedule by clicking HERE
Morning Teen Tracks
For the morning 3 periods, teen campers choose a track of activities to participate in for the week! |
Explore Track
Choose adventure track, and prepare to go on a campout on Wednesday night! |
Learn about survival skills, fire building, outdoor cooking, and shelter building to prepare for your overnight!
This program will provide you with the basic strokes and skills to enjoy the activity of safe boating.
Develop an awareness of the environment through hands-on projects, games, and nature walks.
Arts Track Work throughout the week on a theater & dance production to present on Friday night!
Watch the Youtube video below to see the teen's version of the Rosemary story (Our camp ghost)! |
Tread the boards as an actor, or join the production teacm as a stage magager, set designer, or costume director to plan your production for the week!
Shown to the left is the teen arts production of "Rosemary."
Explore self-expression through movement and music.
Shown to the right is the teen arts dance to the song "Disturbia."
Create your backdrop, costumes, and scenery for your production!
Everything Track
Dabble in a little bit of every program that we offer!
Sports Track
Play traditional or learn a few new sports/games.
Develop skills, build self-esteem, and have fun playing traditional and non-traditional games.
Shown to the right is "shaving cream whiffleball."
Receive NAA-certified instruction and practice in using recurve bows.
Low Ropes/
Team Building Course
Work as a group to increase personal confidence, mutual support within the group, and to develop an increased level of agility and coordination. Our course has 13 different elements!
The element on the right is the "Nitro Pit."
Play different games at the pool such as water polo.
Teen Construct Track Learn the basics of woodworking techniques while constructing a project for the week! |
Under the guidance of a training counselor, use the tools to create a wood project of your own!
Learn about the science behind your projects!
Learn various painting and staining techniques as you paint or stain your project!
Choice Periods In the afternoon, campers choose 2 choice periods where they do projects for the week!
All of our programs above are offered,
plus the ones listed below! |
Watch the campers battle the counselors in the sequel to the original "Campers Take Over II."
In video production, you star and help write and produce a video movie!
(American Sign Language)
Learn the signs for a song to be shown on Friday night. On the right, campers are signing the words to the song "We'll Be a Dream"
Other Choice Period Options..
Recreational Swimming
4-H Camp Middlesex
PO Box 185, 1031 Erickson Rd.
Ashby, MA 01431
Tel: (978) 386-7704 Fax: (978) 386-7046