Program Staff

Diverse, multi-cultural, and caring environment led by qualified counselors and staff recruited locally, nationally, and internationally.
All staff and volunteers are CORIed (Criminal Background Check) each summer
Senior staff members trained in field of education.
4:1 camper to staff ratio
All staff undergo a 2 week training session before camp begins.
All counselors are trained on communication, community building, lesson planning/instructing, CPR/First Aid, child development, risk management, camper discipline, health procedures, and safety/emergency procedures.
High retention rate of staff
Licensed RN on site 24 hours while camp is in session
Meet our staff by Clicking on the photo below.

Specific Certifications:
Waterfront Counselors:
- American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification or National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (UK lifeguard certification)
- American Red Cross CPR for the Professional Rescuer
- American Red Cross WSI (Water Safety Instructor) certification for swim instructors
- American Red Cross Small Craft Safety Instructor certification for boating instructors
Low Ropes Counselors:
Archery Counselors:
- NAA (National Archers Association) training, level 1
4-H Camp Middlesex
PO Box 185, 1031 Erickson Rd.
Ashby, MA 01431
Tel: (978) 386-7704 Fax: (978) 386-7046