Why Camp? Wouldn't you like the opportunity to be....
More Responsible?
More Independent?
More Well-Rounded?
A Team Player?
Connected with Nature? Through its programs in nature, cabin living with peers, and supportive relationships,
Camp creates opportunities to develop
all of this and More...
Camp Middlesex's Mission:
To create a supportive environment for youth and adults to reach their
fullest potential.
Goals of the Experience:
1. To provide opportunities that stimulate the development of each camper's self-esteem through supportive relationships.
2. To provide campers with the opportunity to set personal goals
and develop life skills.
3. To provide each camper the opportunity to experience leadership roles
and to develop an increased level of responsibility.
4. To help campers develop an appreciation of the natural surroundings
through art,science, and adventure activities.
The Integration of the 4-H Philosophy
into a Camper's Daily Life:
The 4-H mission, the pledge, the motto, and the slogan provide the basis for maintaining the rich traditions of Camp Middlesex. These traditions are taught to enhance and expand the learning experience. At camp, the four H's (Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) serve as guides to forming decisions about daily living, while the four areas (Club/Camp, Community, Country, and World) serve as reminders of the many facets of our interaction with our surroundings.
Head: Learning to think, make decision, understanding "why's" and "how's," and gaining new and valuable knowledge.
Heart: Being concerned about the welfare of others, accepting responsibilities as citizens, determining values and attitudes by which we live, and learning how to live with others.
Hands: Gaining new skills, perfecting skills already known, develop respect for work and pride in accomplishment.
Health: Practicing healthful living, protecting the well being of self and others, and making constructive use of leisure time.
4H Motto:
To Make the Best Better.
4H Slogan:
Learn By Doing.
4H Pledge:
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living,
For my Club, my Community, My Country, and my World.
Because of Camp...
4-H Camp Middlesex
PO Box 185, 1031 Erickson Rd.
Ashby, MA 01431
Tel: (978) 386-7704 Fax: (978) 386-7046 office@campmiddlesex.com