November 2005
Dear Potential CIT:
I am excited about your interest in our CIT program. The program is quickly becoming a staple in our camp, providing leadership training for possible future counselor roles in the community.
The CIT Program seeks to train talented individuals like yourself to become leaders in the camping community. The program is divided into CIT I and II, with the CIT II’s having more responsibilities to complete. As a CIT, you will be required to attend daily instructional meetings with the CIT Director, where you will receive instruction on different aspects of camp life. Topics include: Child development, discipline of campers, special needs, health and safety, programming, and staff responsibilities. You will also work in a program and cabin area under the direction of a senior counselor, who will serve as your mentor.
CIT’s choose to attend either session A or session B. Session A is from July 3-15, and session B
is from July 17-29. From there, if you have shown to be a responsible member of the camp community, you will be invited to continue CIT training for up to two additional weeks during the camp sessions from July 31-August 19.
As a CIT, you will be required to attend the special CIT Weekend, held on May 20-22, 2005. During that weekend you will attend some workshops and participate in teambuilding activities with the other CIT’s you will be working with during the summer. It is a fun time, where you will get a chance to meet others and learn about the other CIT’s you will be working with during the summer.
Enclosed you will find an application for the CIT program. Due to the limitation of space in the program, you will need to fill out the application and send it back to me at the camp. Applications are due on April 15, 2005. In April, I will choose the applications that will best fit our program.
Becoming a CIT is a big commitment, but it is fun and memorable one. I guarantee that you will learn, grow, and gain a lot of now information that will help you in your future.
I look forward to reviewing your application,
Steven LaFountain, M.Ed.
4-H Camp Middlesex,
PO Box 185, Ashby, MA 01431-0185 Tel: (978) 386-7704 Fax: (978)